среда, 31 июля 2019 г.

Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Essay

1. Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or â€Å"burn-out† has always been and issue for paramedics and other emergency responders, but it wasn’t recognized or even considered to be a significant problem. The causes of PTSD range from a major life-threatening incident (e.g. war, act of violence, accident and disaster) to a prolonged series of events (e.g. bullying, harassment, abuse, living with a violent partner). PTSD was introduced in the 1980s, before then it has been known by many names including shell shock, war neurosis, soldier’s heart, gross stress reaction, transient situation disturbance, combat stress, combat fatigue, battle fatigue, stress breakdown, traumatic neurosis. The following is a list of PTSD symptoms that I have gathered from various sources, but mostly from psychology courses that I have taken in the paramedic program: *sleep problems, nightmares and waking early *flashbacks and replays which the victim can’t switch off *impaired memory, forgetfulness, inability to recall names, facts and dates that are well known to you *impaired concentration *poor memory and inability to concentrate *exaggerated startle response *irritability, sudden intense anger, occasional violent outbursts *panic attacks *hypersensitivity, whereby every remark is perceived as critical 1 *obsessive – the experience takes over your life, you can’t get it out of your mind *joint and muscle pains which have no obvious cause *feelings of nervousness, anxiety *reactive depression *excessive levels of shame, embarrassment *survivor guilt for having survived when others perished *a feeling of having been given a second chance at life *undue fear *low self-esteem and shattered self-confidence *emotional numbness, inability to feel love or joy *feelings of detachment *avoidance of anything that reminds you of the experience *physical and mental paralysis at any reminder of the experience So what types of experiences are most likely to cause PTSD? Is PTSD more prevalent in highly populated areas or is it just as likely in less populated regions? I’m most interested in PTSD rates of paramedics because I’m a paramedic student just starting to participate in ambulance ride outs. So in three days I start getting exposed to the same situations as real paramedics. For  someone who will be entering the service next year I want to avoid PTSD myself so I can have a long and healthy career as a paramedic. 2 When I first became interested in becoming a paramedic I heard from friends and others in the emergency services that a lot of paramedics quit and go on to other jobs because of the stress. This sounded logical to me but of coarse I couldn’t be sure till I either experienced it or researched the matter. I will be alternating my ride-outs between two ambulance bases. One that has a low call volume and the other has a high call volume. Here are a few facts from the Mosby’s Paramedic Text that is probably the most widely used in North America: – â€Å"About 30% of men and women who spent time in war zones experience this disorder.† (Sanders, 2001, p.1152) -â€Å"Posttraumatic Syndrome frequently occurs after†¦natural or human disasters; and accidents.† (Sanders, 2001, p.1152) -â€Å"Depression, alcohol or other substance abuse†¦often accompanies posttraumatic syndrome.† (Sanders, 2001, p.1152) -â€Å"About 5.2 million people in the United States have posttraumatic syndrome  during the course of a given year† (Sanders, 2001, p.1152). I think the cognitive perspective is the most appropriate for dealing with and answering this question. The cognitive perspective shows â€Å"how we encode, process, store, and retrieve information† (Myers, 2001, p.6). Paramedics are right in there during high stress emergency calls, how they encode and process this information at the scene  and after the call during a debriefing is important. How they store and retrieve the information is crucial. It can be affected by there own actions or the actions of others at the scene or even how they perceive the call went. 2. Students who are in-class may have the benefit of the instructor being available constantly for questions and clarification but I believe distance learning students have the will to learn. Distance students can schedule their own study time for when there ready and focused on the work. In-class students have to conform to a given schedule and may not be totally focused having to conform to a schedule. The students enrolled in a distance learning course will learn more about psychology. I would choose the descriptive method to observe and record the student through surveys and testing. Observations of assignment scores, surprise surveys throughout the course that evaluate the students progress through the course. Research into past courses may be helpful also. How did distance students and in-class students perform in the past? Natural observations will be the biggest indicator, just sit back and watch the students learn and how they progress on assignments and exams. Surveys where the students report there take on the benefits of whichever way there taking the class (distance/in-class). 4 The independent variable is the information the students are exposed too. The teacher’s lectures, comments and insights in the classroom setting compared to the prewritten notes that are sent to distance education students. Dependent variables are how well the students learn in the classroom atmosphere, and how the other students learn with prewritten notes. As for measuring, the mean is more valuable here. I’ll want to know which  class had the better average. Of course the data may be affected by those who are registered for interest only and aren’t concerned with grades. That would also affect the range. I could knock off grades that obviously aren’t common in a psychology course, those who score abnormally low or high compared to the grades of past courses. Standard deviation would show me better the difference in scores compared to the mean The participants could easily be the students who register for distance learning and those for an in class course. Some background research would need to be done to eliminate those who may have a background in psychology. The idea participants have no psychology experience at all. The experimental group would be the distance learning students. Can they succeed with the information that is provided? The control group is the students in traditionally taught class. 5 Students in distance learning will provide a broader variety of answers on assignments, tests and surveys. This is because distance learning students can stop in the middle of the reading the course notes and use other sources for clarification or to expand on an unfamiliar topic. Students in class will most likely regurgitate information provided in class. Research strength would be the natural progression of the students which should be comparable to past course that where taught through distance learning and in class. A weakness would be that the teacher may unknowingly emphasize or provide more information on certain topics that assignments and exams will focus on. Since the distance students only have prewritten notes they can only go with what is provided. Some students enrolled in distance learning maybe only taking the course for interest and may consider the final grade unimportant compared to a full-time student who needs to achieve good grades to graduate.

вторник, 30 июля 2019 г.

Medieval Universities Essay

The English universities were one of the most significant creations of Medieval England. The scholars who attended eitherOxford or Cambridge Universities set an intellectual standard that contrasted markedly with the norm of Medieval England. Oxford University came into being some 20 years before Cambridge University. The church had a major impact at Oxford. The town came within the diocese of Lincoln, yet Oxford had its own archdeaconry. It was the input of the church that led to the first recorded student/university authority clash at Oxford. The universities led to major growth in both Oxford and Cambridge as towns and both became important centres. No-one is quite sure why Oxford was chosen as the town for England’s first university – however, the town had a number of distinct advantages. Oxford was the centre of communications within its region and both royalty and foreign scholars frequently visited the town. There were also many religious houses/centres around the town and the agricultural land was rich and farming did well at this time. Oxford was considered to be in a civilised part of England – it was near to London and getting to Europe was not necessarily a major journey. Oxford also held strategic importance, which led to the building of a castle there. In 1167, a quarrel between Henry II and Thomas Becket led to a temporary ban on English scholars going to study in France. For whatever reason, scholars and academics gathered in Oxford to continue with their work – fifty of them. As journeying to the university in Paris was not allowed, more scholars and academics arrived in Oxford. Sometime after 1167 Giraldus Cambrensis visited Oxford and started teaching there. He taught three times a day. He took poor students for lectures; he then taught academics from different faculties, and lastly he taught knights and the likes. His clientele became larger than the ‘normal’ monastic or cathedral school. In 1180, Prior Philip of St. Frieswade, Oxford, recorded that a scholar had left his family in York to study at Oxford. Within twelve years, the importance of a good education was clearly having an impact. In 1192, Richard of Devizes wrote â€Å"Oxonia vix suos clericos, non dico satiat, sed sustenat.†| Richard was basically stating that there were so many scholars in Oxford that the town could barely feed them. By 1209, it was estimated that there were 3,000 students in Oxford. It was also in 1209 that students in Oxford started to migrate to Cambridge. This occurred after some students killed a woman in Oxford. At this time, King John and Pope Innocent III were quarrelling over a new Archbishop of Canterbury. Innocent put England under an interdict. With such worries, John had few thoughts for students in Oxford. He gave his permission for the execution of three students in Oxford involved in the woman’s death. However, in the delay that took pace, the students fled to Reading, Cambridge of Paris. Others followed to Cambridge and by 1284, Peterhouse College was founded. Unlike the great university of its time – the university in Paris – Oxford was not connected to either a cathedral or a religious house. The Sorbonne was supervised by ecclesiastical men while Oxford was supervised by masters, though these were usually in holy orders. Regardless of this, Oxford developed with a degree of practical independence. By the end of what is considered to be Medieval England, the following colleges had been created at Oxford – University College, Balliol, Merton and Exeter. In Cambridge, Peterhouse College was created. Student life in both towns was to transform Oxford and Cambridge. The lifestyle of the students was to frequently bring both universities into conflict with the church.

понедельник, 29 июля 2019 г.

Digital Marketing Campaign for SNOW tires Term Paper

Digital Marketing Campaign for SNOW tires - Term Paper Example This campaign will include a sale of a high number of tires to the market. And the end will be to sell 200,000 tires in North America and Europe in the five winters between 2014 and 2018. This will include creating awareness to consumers in USA, Canada and the European Union and also maintain a 20% sale level in the emerging markets. Sales in these emerging markets will be boosted to 200% of primary market sales after 2018. Online marketing is going to be used as the primary system through which the tires are going to be marketed. Therefore, the plan is to provide online marketing to all the consumers and enter the markets through a unique and distinct system and process. SNOWDRIVE is faced with competition from various levels of competitors. First of all, there is the threat of new entrants which includes companies that can manufacture similar types. This is quite unlikely. Fourthly, there are threats of supplier integration which is quite unreal because SNOWDRIVE are the suppliers. Finally, the threat of competitors in the industry is not really harsh since SNOWDRIVE is innovative in its presentation of this unique winter-type of tires. Political: The policies of the United States and Canada as well as the European Union are relevant and this includes importation and taxation rules as well as Internet disclosure processes and regulations. The liberalization of trade means that promotion could be done from a centralized source and process through which the company can sell and market products. However, important federal and EU relating to the advertising of agencies including respect for local laws must be streamlined. 1. Target customer: The primary customers are young members of these developed economies. This should include the younger sections of society who spend more time online. Secondary customers should be the richer and older users of the Internet who have

воскресенье, 28 июля 2019 г.

Make a tipic for me Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Make a tipic for me - Essay Example This term post colonial is a loose definition. For example: the United States might also be described as a postcolonial country, but it is not perceived as such because of its position of power in world politics in the present, its displacement of native American populations, and its annexation of other parts of the world in what may be seen as a form of colonization. The term post colonial means a native people breaking free from an oppressor. America is not post colonial, because the Native Americans never conquered the settlers from Europe. However, in America’s defense, an attempt to create a melting pot has been attempted, although this has not been completely successful. The European empire is said to have held sway over more than 85% of the rest of the globe by the time of the First World War, having consolidated its control over several centuries. The sheer extent and duration of the European empire and its disintegration after the Second World War have led to widespread interest in postcolonial literature and criticism in our own times. (Deepika). When a country is liberated, either by force or peacefully, from colonists, some colonists remain. Not only do some colonists remain, but the traditions the native country endured remain. The European colonization of many nations transformed the native culture, and the colonizers actually living in these countries irrevocably. In a post colonial community a division exists between the natives and former colonists. Colonists want to control natives, to civilize them. The text book states Westerners see, â€Å"former colonial subjects as Others; as people different from â€Å"us†; as those in need of Western guidance, expertise, and guidance† (George and Trimbur, 522). An example of trying to civilize natives in a post colonial community is India. Robert Young writes: In

суббота, 27 июля 2019 г.

Conjunctiva in Contact Lens Wear Research Proposal

Conjunctiva in Contact Lens Wear - Research Proposal Example In a study conducted by Aragona P, Ferreri G, Micali A, Puzzolo D. in 1998 to detect the morphological changes of the conjunctival epithelium in contact lens wearers evaluated by impression cytology, it was found that cellularity, nucleus to cytoplasm ratio and goblet cell distribution were altered. In another study by Knop E, Brewitt H. in 1992 , where they discovered using the impression cytology technique on contact lens wearers that enlargement of the conjunctival cells took place as well as flattening of their cells. They also noted a decrease in the number of goblet cells. The late finding was contrary to what Connor C.G., Campbell J.B., Steel S.A., Burke J.H. have found in 1994 of an increase of goblet cells in daily contact lens wearers. As the conjunctiva has an important functional demand on the eye helping in keeping the eye moist and its cleansing effect through tears, it is thus an important first defence against debris and pathogens. Direct in vivo observation of the co njunctiva at a cellular level using the confocal microscope is likely to provide important new insights into the impact of contact lens wear on the ocular surface. This study is aimThis study is aimed to conclude results from in vivo research of those contact lens wearers. The significance of this research is to give more focused results on the effect of contact lenses contributing to add more knowledge to this specific aspect and whether or not any compromisation of the conjunctiva takes place. Please add a new paragraph as follows:- Program of research and investigation: - Under this heading, I would like you to write about To Clearly State the research problem, research key questions, sub question or hypotheses or key issues that will be tested or addressed This research will perform its investigation to describe the possible effects of lens wearing on 20 candidates to discuss the conjunctival hazardous effects (if present) and either confirm or deny the hypothesis in question. Inspection will be done at a cellular level to further investigate any changes that may occur in the conjunctiva cells including epithelial cells, goblet cells and cellular density. According to Adar S, Kanpolat A, Surucu S, Ucakhan OO 1997 "Epithelial changes were noted to be more frequent and more severe in symptomatic patients than in those without any complaints." Moon JW, Shin KC, Lee HJ, Wee WR, Lee JH, Kim MK. 2006 also found that "The ocular surface changes in keratoconus may be directly related to contact lens wear" The hypothesis is that contact lenses do not produce any significant effect on the conjunctiva, mainly superficial conjunctival epithelial cell density (it is unclear whether this would be an increase or decrease) and results in a decrease in

пятница, 26 июля 2019 г.

Urban marginality in Los Angeles as seen through the film Boyz N The Essay

Urban marginality in Los Angeles as seen through the film Boyz N The Hood - Essay Example African Americans in the US have been an insignia of perpetual degradation historically as they have been shuttled and chained all the way through the slave economy to the capitalist economy. Charles Scruggs wrote, â€Å"The forms of the invisible city are joined at key points: The invisibility of Afro-Americans in this culture, their reduction to stereotype, is closely related to the phenomena of the mass media and the world of consumer desire, part of an economics of mass consumption† (Scruggs cited in Massood 85). The Significance of Suburbs in Movies Suburb in the movies is used as a contested idea. A vast majority of Americans think of suburb as any type of establishment around a large city’s periphery, though they may be present in small cities as the populations settled around the points of intersection of main highways are also referred to as the suburbs. A movie can be included in the category of suburban movies if it is shot in suburbs for its major part, and also it is important that its characters significantly relate to the imagined or real ethos of the suburbs. The movie Boys N the Hood fulfills these criteria of the suburban movies as hood is the central location of the movie in which all its events happen. A Brief Review of Boys N the Hood The movie Boys N the Hood portrays the life of a group of young African Americans living in South Central Los Angeles, who are struggling to escape the widespread violence in the city. Some are keeping their hopes high to get educated and excel in sports, while others become victims and part of the violent gangs. The movie i s not perfect as it makes an attempt to capture every single challenge that the African Americans living in Los Angeles are exposed to in a matter of just one and a half hours of screen time, that is practically too less to do justice with any of the issues discussed. Too many issues shoved into such a short movie make the whole movie in general and the symbolism in particular appear forced, and the audiences sometimes find the movie unbearably heavy-handed. However, the audiences tend to draw the intended meanings of the sounds and images temporarily abandoning their disbelief in the theater’s darkness, so as to gain full essence of the movie. â€Å"Of course, viewers recognize that movies do not present unfiltered reality: The characters are actors, the speech is scripted, and probably most of the artifacts are phony† (Muzzio and Halper 548). Indeed, filtered reality is in a way, the strength of the movie since the fundamental reason why audiences opt to go to the ci nemas to watch the movies is that they want to have the unfiltered reality of the real world replaced with the filtered reality shown in the movies. Reflection of Urban Marginality in Boyz N The Hood Boyz N the Hood reflects the efforts of young film-literate director of the African American descent, and gives a detailed account of the difficulties experienced by their young protagonists as they come of age. The narrative in Boyz N the Hood has been placed in the geographic boundaries of hood that has precise coordinates i.e. South Central Los Angeles in the case of this film. The selection of hood as the canvas of the story has a solid reason as the hood encompasses a variety of metaphorical meanings that apply to the characters as well as their lives as


POLITICAL ECONOMY OF THE SINGLE EUROPEAN MARKET - Essay Example 195 billion budget was prepared by the European Union for the purpose of Structural Funds from the period of January 01, 2000 to December 21, 2006. This allocation of the budget was used in different sectors, especially the transport sector, and poorer regions of the continent were supported and integrated with different developing schemes of these structural funds. On the other hand, the budget for the Cohesion Fund was allocated to the amount of 18 billion, which was also used for different schemes and allocations in the European Union. (Halkier, 2004) In this regard, the major amount of the European Union's funding is spent on the Structural Funds, and the bulk of European Union's funding is made up these structural and cohesion funds. In addition, the Common Agricultural Policy is also included in the bulk of European Union's funding along with the abovementioned funds. (Artis, 2006) The areas and regions of the European continent, which are under the pressure of various difficulties are helped and supported by the European Union's Structural Funds. The decline of the local European industry could be the reason of these difficulties. Else, reduction of farm incomes due to the reduction in commodity prices could also be responsible for the lacking of resources to these regions. (Evans, 1999) In the result, sponsor projects are helped and supported by these structural funds, by which, locally identified needs would be addressed directly by it. Some of the sponsor projects that are fun by the structural funds are credited to train local people with different skills, which may help them in building their careers, or help them in setting-up their new businesses. Mainly, there are two objectives of the European Union's Structural Funds. Firstly, the regions with lack of development are enhanced and advanced by the adjustment of structural funds, which help in promoting development in these areas. Mostly, the lagging-behind areas are supported in the first objective of the European Union's Structural Funds. Secondly, local areas that are found to be facing structural difficulties are converted socially and economically by the support of these structural funds. The social and economic conversion is done in such a way that areas are provided with different developing opportunities, which help them in developing and advancing themselves and their areas. (Evans, 1999) Another objective was regarded in the structural funds of the European Union. In this regard, education, employment, as well as, the training systems and policies of the European regions are adapted and modernized by the support and coordination of the structural funds and their different planning and implementation of different projects in these areas. In all these three objectives, the transport sector has been specifically given a significant importance in the funding of these structural funds by the European Union. However, outside the specific areas of the first objective of the structural funds, the fisheries sector is also being restructured by the implementation of a special scheme. In addition, the European Union is witnessing the implementatio

четверг, 25 июля 2019 г.

Educational Policies in Britain Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Educational Policies in Britain - Essay Example Copyright Higher Education Statistics Agency Ltd. 2005 From HESA, accessed 2006-04-26 Data for figure 6.5 Students' expenditure by type, 2002/03 England & Wales Percentages Living costs 68 Housing costs 19 Participation costs 14 Source: Student Income and Expenditure Survey, South Bank University 1997 1998 1999 2000 Current expenditure /98 /99 /00 /01 Universities .. .. .. .. Other Higher, Further and adult education .. .. .. .. Higher Education Funding Council 5,693 4,726 5,166 5,813 Further Education Funding Council 3,718 5,064 5,216 5,167 2001 Continuing Education 1,960 .. .. .. /02 Other education expenditure 1,355 4,611 4,278 3,861 .. .. .. 5,813 5,628 5,167 6,810 .. .. 3,861 3,989 From HESA, accessed 2006-04-26 The government expenditure on education in terms of higher education funding has remained stable since 1997 receiving up to 5628millions in 2001-2002. Comparatively further education funding council received funding of 6810 million and other education expenditure of the government was at 3,989 million (HESA, 2006). Percentage of students opting for loans seems to have risen considerably and the data show that students seeking funding have risen from 41% in 1992-93 to 64% in 1997-1998. The table below shows the percentage of students who depend on funding for external or state sources, loans or grants 1992-93 41 1993-94 47 1994-95 55 1995-96 59 1996-97 62 1997-98 64 From HESA, accessed 2006-04-26 The tables that we have considered could be analyzed comparatively for government expenditure against student requirements. As we see from the statistical data on student... The government expenditure on education in terms of higher education funding has remained stable since 1997 receiving up to 5628millions in 2001-2002. Comparatively further education funding council received funding of 6810 million and other education expenditure of the government was at 3,989 million (HESA, 2006). Percentage of students opting for loans seems to have risen considerably and the data show that students seeking funding have risen from 41% in 1992-93 to 64% in 1997-1998. The table below shows the percentage of students who depend on funding for external or state sources, loans or grants The tables that we have considered could be analyzed comparatively for government expenditure against student requirements. As we see from the statistical data on student expenditure, student borrowing, financial requirements and expenditure have gone up considerably since 1992-93 when borrowing for instance was only at 41% compared with 1997-98 with at least 64% of students depending on external funding. The chart on student expenditure shows living costs and education costs at 68% of total expenditure for students.

среда, 24 июля 2019 г.

Nursing Retention in the Hospital setting Term Paper

Nursing Retention in the Hospital setting - Term Paper Example Many organisations in the healthcare sector have realised the significance of retaining nurses in enhancing the profitability of the organisation. This becomes possible following the elimination of the costs which are incurred in replacing the nurses. This research seeks to gains an insight into the prevalent problem of nursing retention. The results of the findings will be essential in assisting hospitals in understanding the various elements that result in loss of nurses within the healthcare industry. The objective of the paper will be to propose solutions to the prevalent problem of nursing retention within the healthcare sector. This understanding will be able to create solutions to the healthcare sector regarding how organisations can be able to retain the nurses within the sector. The problems facing the healthcare industry regarding retention of nurses have become fundamental and unprecedented because of numerous factors. The shortage of nurses within this industry has significant effects upon the healthcare profession. The quality of services that are offered could be adversely affected by the loss of nurses. The quality of healthcare services is compromised when nurses are lost. In seeking to enhance the quality of these services, the healthcare institutions need to adopt measures that will be aimed at curbing the loss of nurses. Many establishments will normally become involved in retention approaches to ensure they have the best trained employees within their establishments. Different approaches can be undertaken to be able to enhance the retention of nurses within the sector Job satisfaction has been identified as one of the aspects that are critical in retaining employees. Within the working environment, the satisfaction of the job enables individuals to remain committed to their employment opportunities. The creation of job satisfaction within the

вторник, 23 июля 2019 г.

Why Most People Oppress Others because of Their Different Ethnicity, Essay

Why Most People Oppress Others because of Their Different Ethnicity, Race or Gender - Essay Example A theorist and feminist writer; Gloria Anzaldua’s works were of vital significance for the last two decades. Her work should be noted that it is now anthologized systematically in different compositions that reach different audiences on an annual basis. Her theory of Mestiza and borderland identifies the fuller theory of a culture which is different and broadly deployed in most disciplines and lecture halls. In most lecture halls across the state, most students read the chapters and excerpts from her Borderland text. Anzaldua’s work serves in a primarily essayist fashion. She explicitly shows that an individual’s act of writing assists the person in identifying and expressing his or her identity complexities. Anzaldua described her strong belief in the need for individuals to form coalitions in their different groups. My choice of Gloria Anzaldua’s literary works in her anthology of essays and poetry; Making Face, Making Soul: Haciendo Caras include: Borde rlands/La Frontera, La conciencia de la Mestiza, The Homeland, Aztlan/El Otro Mexico, How to Tame a Wild Tongue and This Bridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical Women of Color. They are all arranged in order of significance. The first three literary works are some of Anzaldua’s best works and stand out from the other two. Anzaldua understood that individuals have diverse ideas and identity and that inter-sectionalism often creates conflicts between different people (Garci?a, 2006). Thesis Statement: Anzaldua understood and recognized the different ways that people use to oppress others, and the constituents that were overlapping their identity. Literary Works: Borderlands/La Frontera: One of Anzaldua’s outstanding works was Borderlands/La Frontera, which was published in the year 1987. Borderlands traces back to the personal and historical journey of people who are on the border between the United States and Mexico. Additionally, it talks about the political, spirit ual and the European socioeconomic impact that they have on conquering the indigenous and marginalized people on the borderland. All the contributors in Anzaldua’s works got affected by Anzaldua’s willingness to face her personal risks. Through Anzaldua’s acts and words, people learn to take risks on their own. These are the risks that form blurred boundaries and the identities challenge people’s ways of thinking (Anzaldua, 1987). By use of her words, she invites critics to engage with her theories and how they impacted on her life and work. In bridging, the contributors explore and discuss on Anzaldua’s spiritual and intellectual contributions of how new bridges are created through the community and diverse disciplines. The contributors and Anzaldua represented numerous generations of diverse ages of the twenties to seventies. This connection among many people could be seen in Anzaldua herself. Anzaldua’s words have touched most of the cont ributors separately.  

понедельник, 22 июля 2019 г.

Leadership Styles and Their Effect on CEOs Essay Example for Free

Leadership Styles and Their Effect on CEOs Essay Abstract The purpose of this essay is to analyze, compare, and contrast the leadership styles of two influential CEOs. I have collected information from many internet sources that elaborate on the life, achievements, and misfortunes of Jack Welch and Steve Jobs, and how they overcame their obstacles to become the best CEOs of all time. Leadership Styles and Their Effect on CEOs Leadership is a process by which a person influences others to accomplish an objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive. Jack Welch and Steve Jobs exemplify the true meaning of what a leader is. Their personality traits of being conscientious open to experiences, extroversion, persistent, and passionate has led them to be the most phenomenal visionary leaders of their time. Jack Welch was the chairman and CEO of General Electric between 1981 and 2001. During his duration at GE, he managed to introduce a fresh and innovative leadership style. Welch developed a ranking system that put employees in one of three categories. The top 20 percent were â€Å"stars†, the middle 70 percent were the crucial majority, and the bottom 10 percent were weeded out (Bloomberg, 1998). I admire and strongly agree with Welch’s management approach of making employee’s accountable. If you are hired to perform a job, then expecting results of a certain quality is justified. In addition, I believe that Welch’s passion for productivity and results allowed him to achieve effective performance management within his company. Results create success, and I believe most people tend not to raise their standards high enough if there are not serious repercussions that follow, such as being dismissed for not providing results. Welch most notable achievement was increasing the market value of the General Electric firm. As CEO he increased it from approximately $12 billion when he took over, to a colossal $505 at the time of his retirement (Management, 2012). He managed to make GE the world’s second largest company with a market capitalization that was only exceeded by Microsoft. Through hard work and perseverance Welch managed to attain legendary status of being one of the greatest CEOs of all time. Leadership Styles and Their Effect on CEOs Steve Jobs was an entrepreneur, co-founder, chairman, and CEO of Apple Inc. As the CEO of the company, Jobs covered the development of the iMac, iPod, iPhone, and iPad, and on the services side the company’s Apple Retail Stores, iTunes store, and the App store. The success of these products under Jobs provided stable years of financial return, and propelled Apple to become the world’s most valuable publically traded company. The reinvigoration of the company is regarded by commentators as one of the greatest turnarounds in business history (Gallo, 2011). Jobs was a â€Å"one-in-a-billion† innovator with a bulldog mentality. He created a vision and relentlessly drove it into completion. Jobs was a demanding perfectionist who always aspired to position his business and products at the forefront of the technology industry by understanding and setting trends with innovation and style. His reputation was built on being a brutal force and often destroyed staff for their â€Å"bozo† ideas and typically shrugged off his associates suggestions in favor of his own gut instinct. Moreover, he only wanted what he called â€Å"A-players†. Meaning that they had to be brilliant and he insisted that under the threat of being fired, that they would never reveal any of Apple’s secrets inside or outside of the organization (Juarez, 2011). In summary, both Welch and Jobs are extraordinary leaders who demonstrate charismatic and transformational leadership styles. They both have very similar qualities in wanting to produce results. However, they differ because Welch’s management style was cut throat in the sense of firing employees who did not perform. Yet, he was still open to the ideas of managers and employees, and empowered them. On the other hand, Jobs leadership style is regarded as unconventional and being a dictator, who only listens to his own intuition. References Bloomberg, L,P. (6/28/2012). How Jack Welch Runs GE. Business Week. Retrieved November 20, 2012, from http://www.businessweek.com/1998/23/b3581001.htm Gallo, F. (3/17/2012). What Kind of Leader Was Steve Jobs? Calypso Consulting. Retrieved November 20, 2012, from http://www.chinacalypso.com/content/what-kind-leader-was-steve-jobs Juarez, A. (10/5/2011). A Different Kind of Leader. Studying Systems for a Humane and Sustainable World. Retrieved November 20, 2012, from http://saybrook.typepad.com/complexity/2011/10/a-different-kind-of-leader-steve-jobs-1955-2011.html Management Strategies From A Top CEO. (4/16/2010). Retrieved November 20, 2012, from http://www.investopedia.com/articles/financial-theory/10/manage-business-like-jack-welch.asp#axzz2CpmsLsRK

воскресенье, 21 июля 2019 г.

Comparison of the Atlantic Slave Trade

Comparison of the Atlantic Slave Trade Although slavery was not a new institution during the 1600 1800s however, there were great contrasts in the way slaves were treated in the Atlantic World. Slaves throughout this era were treated in various ways and from having some legal rights to having none, and from having freedom to virtually no chance of freedom. Although it did take over 150 years, slavery finally came to an end in most of the Atlantic regions. England/America and Slavery In tracing back slavery in Britain and then the Americas one can go back to ancient Rome. However unlike the 1500s 1800s instead of being slave holders, the British themselves were slaves to the Romans whom they had captured and made prisoners of war and then shipped of for sale in the Roman markets. After the fall of the Roman Empire, which historians disagree on the dates which can be between 476 A.D. to 1453 A.D. or that Rome never fell, but rather adapted (Gill, 2010). Unlike slavery in England or the English colonies there were many stations of slaves in Ancient Rome which included: agaso- which was a groom, atriensis, who were stewards, auri custos- were jewelery attendants, bubulcus- which were ploughman, calator who were footmen, cantrix singers, cellarius storekeepers. Slaves were also classified as cooks, messenger, game fatterners, chain gang, market gardeners, doorkeepers, reapers messengers, nurses, obstetricians, shepherds, chaperons, attendants, pages, planters, ev en hairdresser, masseurs, and cloths folders. Also under Roman law slaves could gain their freedom in various ways which included: Per censum, when a slave with his masters permission places his name in the censors roll. Per vindictam, when a master took his slave to the praetor or consul or pro-praetor or pro-consul and declared I desire that this man be free, according to the custom of the Romans(Roman Slaves, 2008), if then the praetor approved he would then put a rod on the head of the slave and pronounce I say that this man is free, after the manner of the Romans (Roman Slaves, 2008). At this point the master or a lector (bodyguard) would turn him around in circle and give him a blow on the check which signified that leave was granted to him to go wherever he wanted. A slave could gain his freedom by Per testamentum which was when a master gave his slaves freedom at his own will. Finally Slaves that fought in the arenas could gain their freedom by fighting well. Although the English justified slavery during the 1500s 1800s on the reasoning that the Ancient Romans used slavery, the institutes were radically different. The beginning of slavery in England and the English Colonies began with indentured servants who would sign on to leave England and start a new life but to pay their fair they sold themselves to work for a certain time span, usually three to five years. Many of this were criminals, prostitutes, or owed debt and were willing to leave to start a new life rather than going to prison or even put to death with the majority being young men in their teens to early twenties. After their committed time was up they then were free to start their own lives. Due to the growth in the colonies there began to be a lack of indentured servants so there had to be another way to get the labor needed for the plantations. There were various schemes that brought slaves to the New World which included kidnapping and being European did not protect you f rom being kidnapped and sent into servitude. Many would find themselves on the way to Virginia after having a beer with a friend in a European city (Hines, 1996). In contrast, most Roman slaves were prisoners of war and were freed on the whelms of their masters. In the beginning slavery in America was neither slavery nor limited to Africans, but was indentured servitude where the servants including Africans were released after serving their time. Africans then would join the community where they were normally farmers and even voters as being equal members of the community. Under indentured servitude if children were born they were considered free which was in contrast to slavery. Under indentured servitude there was no racism. This was to change when under the case of re Negro John Punch in 1640 that made a racial distinction among indentured servants and made blacks indentured servants for a lifetime (Slavery and Indentured Servants). In 1705 the Virginia Slave Code was established that set laws concerning the treatment and legal status of slaves in the English colonies. Under the code a childs status was determined by the status of his mother instead of the father which had been normal in England, if the mother was a free woman then the ch ild was free, but if the woman was a slave the child was considered to be a slave. Marriages between blacks and whites (the Virginia Code also prohibited marriage between other groups such as Amerindians, Irish, Turks, etc.) were illegal. Under the Virginia code the conversion of slaves to a certain religion was not a top priority, and many masters did not encourage the conversion of their slaves to Christianity since they had such a low opinion of the slaves character that they felt conversion was worthless as well as impractical (Hast, 1969. p. 221). Slaves therefore were made to work on Sundays and other holy days. Under the Virginia Code a person that was a Christian or from a Christian nation was not to be sold, however if a slave converted to Christianity they were not allowed to be freed. Also under the code slaves were not to be educated in either religion or a trade since the attitude of the master was the slaves (who were black) were inferior and not capable of learning. S laves had no rights, a slave was not allowed to hit a Christian, however if a slave was struck and was killed by a white master, the master was not held accountable for murder. Slaves were limited on their contact with slaves from other plantations in order to cut down the chances of rebellion. In the area of family, marriages between slaves were not allowed. The justification of slavery was surprisingly not over race but actually religion due to the notion that black Africans were heathens and would undercut the religion of the Europeans. Thus this ideology was the backbone for justifying lifetime slavery for Africans. Ironically Virginia then enacted laws that allowed Black Christians to serve as slaves and here we see the beginning of a history that dominates racial attitudes to this day. One may ask why the change in the social make up from indentured servitude to slavery and there are several answers to that question. One is that they were in a New World and plantation owners were adapting to problems as well as opportunities. One of the problems with indentured servitude was indentured servants tended to run away and if they were either Native American or European they were able to blend in easily with the rest of the population. On the other hand the free African-American population was very small so if an African escaped he/she was more noticeable, another problem was under the contract of indentured servitude any European that served out their contract was to be given a weapon and plot of land. This gave an increase of armed, lower-class whites that lived in the frontier and who had not sympathy for the plantation owners who had enslaved and oppressed them for years. In 1676 under the leadership of Nathaniel Bacon these people banned together and burned Jamestow n. As a result the departe elite plantation owners needed a way to ease this situation and that lead to the paradox of racial slavery. The Virginia plantation owners/aristocrats the focused on the difference of skin colr and were able to present the perception of a colonial society that placed all Caucasians into a category of a master race. Economically it was also easier to keep Africans in servitude and this factor caused a flood of Africans to the Americas over the next 150 years. With the approach of the American Revolution there was a mixed blessing by both free African-Americans as well as slaves. The principles of the revolution had implied the end of slavery but the revolutionaries was never able to deliver that promise. It had been the desire of Thomas Jefferson to end slavery with the formation of the new nation, yet it was ironic that he never freed his slaves. Jefferson was not the only person of his day that wanted to see salves free but there were men like Samuel Sewall who advocated freedom for African-Americans and even had pamphlets published and distributed that countered the arguments that the men of his time used to promote slavery. Sewall stated in his pamphlet The Selling of Joseph: A Memorial Tis pity there should be more Caution used in buying a Horse, or a little lifeless dust; than there is in purchasing Men and Women: Whenas they are the Offspring of GOD, and their Liberty is, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (Sewall, 1700). Here he basically stated tha t men took more time and caution in buying horses and gold than they did in buying people. Despite its promise of freedom and rights to all men, the revolution did not grant African-Americans that freedom. This double standard was not lost on African-Americans who had fought on both sides of the war believing one side or the other would have been more likely to grant slaves the freedom they desired. The American Revolution started with an African-American named Crispus Attucks, who happened to also be the first martyr. On Sunday March 5, 1770, which is the date given as the start of the Revolution, was a day full of problems in the city of Boston. The relationship between the colonist and British Soldiers and become strained and filled with frequent violence. The days before this Sunday there had been numerous tavern brawls and street fights between the British soldiers and the colonist. In one incident three British soldiers were beaten and ran out of town but returned with reinforcements. On this day a group of soldiers had just emerged from their barracks and were confronted by a gang of boys that include African-Americans, Irish, and others. After trading insults the two groups began to fight. Lead by Crispus, the Americans were able to drive the soldiers back to their barracks. After much confusion and angry by the citizens of Boston a British sentry ended up being attacked and then called for backup. A British soldier happened to be hit in the head with a stick and as a result his musket fired and killed Crispus. Several more shots ended up being fired and after the smoke cleared five people had been shot to death. This incident, which became known as the Boston Massacre, was the turning point in the relationship between America and the British with everyone realizing that the bonds between England and America had been irreparably severed. It is a great irony of history that the first battle of the revolution was not planned and the first hero of the war was an African- American who had been a former slave and whose courage and passion led the angry crowd to stand up against the British and whose death was the first in a long struggle for freedom and independence. However it would be another seven years before the first state, Vermont, would abolish slavery and then another 88 years before slavery was abolished in the United States. In 1791 as the United states was beginning as the first republic in the Western hemispheres, on the French Island of Haiti events began to unfold for another American revolution. Unlike the revolution in the British Colonies, the revolution in Haiti was driven by slaves who outnumbered their French plantation owners. August 22nd of 1791 was the day that the Haitian was for independence began under the leadership of Dutty Boukman when over one hundred thousand slaves began their revolt against the much hated French. These men and women had been slaves all their lives and they not only wanted freedom, but revenge for the harsh treatments they had endured under the French. Over the next three weeks the Haitian slaves executed any Frenchman they found had burned every plantation in the fertile regions of Haiti. Other leaders for Haitis fight for independence were Franà §ois Dominique Toussaint LOuverture, and Jeam-Jacques Dessalines. It would not be until November 28, 1803 that Haiti wo uld become the second republic in the Western hemisphere. Africa and Slavery Although the majority of slaves that came to America were from Africa, there was a vast contrast in how slaves were treated on both continents. Slavery had been a part of African cultures from the Sahara to the Kalahari long before colonialism thus they were not much different from other parts of the world. Like everywhere else in the world, slaves in Africa were considered legal property of their owners. However, slavery in Africa differed in practice from its European counterpart in practice. African slaves would normally be integrated into the home of the owner and it was not unusual for former slaves to rise to positions of trust within the family of his former owner or even to authoritative positions within their society. Another difference between African slavery and that of European slavery was the treatment of slaves. Under African masters slaves were not subjected to continual inhuman and brutal treatment as was the case under European ownership of slaves. Portugal was the first European nation to make a sustained contact with sub-Saharan Africa, and the slaves they obtained were originally used in domestic capacities and with the limited demand at the time slaves were just a part of trade that involved other commodities, however this would change with the discovery of the Americas and the colonization that would soon follow. By the end of the 16th century over 13,000 slaves were imported to the Americas per year and as more of the Americas and Caribbean Islands were conquered and the demand for slaves increased it is believed that between 1800 and 1865 around four million slaves were imported to the Americas (The African Slave Trade Slaves in Africa, 2006). With the growing realization of the negative impact that the slave trade was having on their population there began to be a growing opposition to the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. The kings of Congo and Benin, which is now a part of Nigeria, were among the first rulers that came to oppose the slave trade. Around 1865 these factors are what lead to the end of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. It is thought that 15-50 million Africans were taken as slaves from Africa to the slave plantations in the Americas, with half dying on the journey (The African Slave Trade Slaves in Africa, 2006). Although this paper focused on just the two continents of America and Africa, the slave trade had left a legacy on the continents of Asia and Europe as well. The Trans-Atlantic slave trade was also a pointer to the way men can be inhuman to fellow men. Conclusion Where and when slaves served in servitude determined their way of life, from having rights and a chance of freedom to virtually having no rights or chance of freedom. Although slavery was not a new idea during this time period, the way slaves were treated did vary, not only by continent and differing civilizations, but by time as well.

Strategies for Diversification

Strategies for Diversification INTRODUCTION The Fine idea also known as Fine stationery is a Pvt ltd. Company which was started in the year 1995 by Mr. Kalpesh.S.Patel with the capital of Rs.50,000/- and he is the CEO and chairperson of the firm. They provide printing services and are Manufacturers License of Disney products. Fine Ideas is manufacturer of stationary, print promotion, table mats, mouse pads, packaging, brochures and pamphlet, design items. It is a company along with acting as supplier from Mumbai. The company also gives ideas and concepts for promotional activities. The company runs smoothly and hardly faces any problems. Recently they faced a problem of decrease in sales. They are willing for diversification of their products, to increase their sales. Should they go for diversification of their products to increase their sales or would it be too risky? This led me to come up with a research question Should FINE IDEAS consider diversification of their products to increase their sales? With the help of primary research and secondary information collected, I used Ansoff Matrix to find the solution to the problem. The main reason for the decrease in sale is an increase in competition. The company is not strong enough to face challenges laid down by competitors. The research will suggest an alternate path of diversification which if company chooses will be worth its survival in the market. If the company does not come up with quick and appropriate decision then it will have to suffer heavy loss. The research will analyze the position of the company in the market. The result found after analysing the prevailing market conditions and the companys problems is that the firm should consider diversification of their products to come out of this problem of decrease in sales and to re-attain its forecasted sales. FINDINGS Diversification is part of the four main marketing strategies defined by the Product/Market Ansoff matrix: http://www.easilyinteractive.com/blog/uploaded_images/ansoff-779433.jpg Fine ideas pointed out that a diversification strategy stands apart from the other three strategies. The first three strategies are usually pursued with the same technical, financial, and merchandising resources used for the original product line, whereas diversification usually requires a company to acquire new skills, new techniques and new facilities which can be provided by Fine Ideas. The notion of diversification depends on the subjective interpretation of new market and new product, which should reflect the perceptions of their customers. The strategies of diversification can include internal development of Fine Ideas, acquisition of a firm, alliance with a complementary company, licensing of new technologies, and distributing or importing few products manufactured by another firm. Generally, the final strategy involves a combination of these options. This combination is determined in function of available opportunities and consistency with the objectives and the resources of the Fine Ideas. Rationale of diversification There are two dimensions of rationale for diversification. The first one relates to the nature of the strategic objective: diversification may be defensive or offensive. Defensive reasons may be spreading the risk of market contraction, or being forced to diversify when current product or current market orientation seems to provide no further opportunities for growth. Offensive reasons may be conquering new positions, taking opportunities that promise greater profitability than expansion opportunities, or using retained cash that exceeds total expansion needs. The second dimension involves the expected outcomes of diversification: management may expect great economic value or first and foremost great coherence and complementary to their current activities. In addition, companies may also explore diversification just to get a valuable comparison between this strategy and expansion. Factors of Risk involved for Fine Ideas to Diversify. Diversification is the riskiest of the four strategies presented in the Ansoff matrix and requires the most careful investigation for Fine Ideas. Going into an unknown market with an unfamiliar product offering means a lack of experience in the new skills and techniques required. Therefore, they will put themselves in a great uncertainty. Moreover, diversification might necessitate significant expanding of human and financial resources, which may distracts focus, commitment and sustained investments for the Fine Ideas. Therefore they should choose this option only when the current product or current market orientation does not offer further opportunities for growth. In order to measure the chances of success, Fine Ideas can also perform different tests like the attractiveness test, the cost-of-entry test and the better-off test. Because of the high risks Fine Ideas, may led to failure while attempting to diversify. However, there are a few good examples of successful diversification like Walt Disney moved from producing animated movies to theme parks. Companies like Fine Ideas diversify for a host of reasons. In some cases, its a survival strategy. For instance, if the company makes the bulk of its sales at a particular time of year, it makes sense to consider diversification. However, there are plenty of other good reasons for diversification, not least by extending your range of goods or services you can either sell more products to your existing customers or reach out to new markets. This can supercharge the growth prospects of Fine Ideas. And perhaps the biggest reason for doing it is to extend a brand reputation into other markets, with the knowledge that making your business bigger than ever imagined. ANALYSIS OF THE FINDINGS The analysis was done by discussing with the owner of the firm about the fall in demand of sales over the time. It was not possible to find the accurate decrease in sales because their firm was only the supplier and the goods then go in the godown of the marketing firm from where the goods were supplied to the retailers and wholesalers. Due to decrease in demand for the existing goods by the people, the goods were logged into the godown of the marketing sector and so they were not accepting the goods coming from the Fine Ideas as they already have stock with them. Henceforth with this analysis of the situation it is clearly pictured that is a decrease in sales for the company. The discussions took place in a positive manner as the current status proved that it was favourable and appropriate for the company to go for diversification as that was the easiest way out the problem faced by them. Following topic goes out of my assessment but I would like to mention that they have already put their thought and efforts in diversifying their products in some or the other way by starting their new business names as Facetoons which is a similar kind of printing firm but they provide print on mugs, plates, shirts and many more and therefore the business is growing rapidly because of the increasing demand of their new idea. This instance itself proves that it is very essential for them to start to diversify their products but they should not completely close down Fine Ideas because that is their image and reputation in market so they should work under the shade of Fine Ideas. Fine ideas had been discussing that business strategies expand the scope of reaching goal through diversification into their businesses But, under strict assumptions of risky markets, there is no obvious rational for the company to acquire another. Diversification is a promotion strategy and a form of corporate strategy which is advised for fine ideas. It seeks to increase profitability through greater sales volume obtained from new products and new markets. Fine Ideas can diversify at the business unit level or at the corporate level. At the business unit level they are most likely to expand into a new segment and at the corporate level and it is also very interesting entering a promising business outside of the scope of their business unit. CONCLUSIONS Concluding by answering to my research question, FINE IDEAS should consider diversification of their products to increase their sales. When to diversify for Fine Ideas History tells us its not advisable to consider diversification until the core business is stable and profitable. If Fine Ideas are still struggling to win orders and build a sales time for the core product, there is a real danger that diversification will take your eye of the ball. The catalyst is often the realization that growth in the core business is either slowing or set to slow, often because the market for a particular product is becoming saturated. Diversification strategy for Fine Ideas Fine Ideas can diversify by natural progression. More radically, they extend the brand by offering a much wider range of products that will nonetheless appeal to the same customers. Alternatively, they can use the strength of brand to move into new markets. Another popular business diversification strategy is to look backwards and forwards along the supply chain for opportunities to tighten your grip on the market. For instance, in the recent past people had seen building societies buying estate agents and computer manufacturers buying resellers. In the US Google has busily acquired the leading web data analysis tools, online advertising companies and the social networks and sites that deliver what they unerringly know their users want. The cons for Fine Ideas The company can get a hope for the extended product life cycle. Diversification can put you on the fast track to growth but if the strategy fails it can also burn up money. Expanding the product range and even if turnover increases, the increase in costs could result in a slump in profits. Extend the brand into new markets and there is a danger that it will have no resonance with the newly targeted customers. Thus its vital to research new markets before diversifying. Fine ideas should also look carefully at their existing business. Do they have the right managers to cope with a divaricating strategy? Should they integrate the diversified business into one company or ring fence the new operation as a business in its own right? And is your organization strong enough to be an umbrella brand where your core values resonate across the group? They should think hard before Fine Ideas commit their finances and precious time. BIBLIOGRAPHY http://www.fineideas.in/ http://www.hotfrog.in/Companies/Fine-Ideas Hoang, Paul, Business and management, IBID Press, 2007 http://www.easilyinteractive.com/blog/uploaded_images/ansoff-779433.jpg

суббота, 20 июля 2019 г.

The Mexican Revolution Essay -- Mexican History

The Mexican Revolution   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There was a huge revolution in the country of Mexico that started in the year 1910, led by Porfirio Diaz, the president of Mexico in 1910. In the 1860’s Diaz was important to Mexican politics and then was elected president in 1877. Diaz said that he would only be president for one year and then would resign, but after four years he was re-elected as the President of Mexico. Porfirio Diaz and the Mexican revolution had a huge impact on the country of Mexico that is still felt in some places today.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The earliest start to the Mexican Revolution of 1910 happened one hundred years earlier when two priests, Miguel Hidalgo and Jose Morelos, led a stand against the Spanish colonial officials who were controlling Mexico at the time. On September, 16 1810 Hidalgo led Mexico's Indians in a revolution directed against the Spanish plantation owners in northern Mexico. He was motivated by a need for a new government and a re-location of both the church's and plantation owner's lands. Hidalgo and the Indians, armed with only farm tools and weapons, marched towards Mexico City. While Hidalgo was marching into Mexico City, Jose Morelos organized an attack force and began raiding Spanish plantations and towns. Hidalgo’s army was defeated in 1811 and he was executed. Jose Morelos took control of the revolution and led attacks until the Spaniards captured and killed him in 1815. When Morelos died so did the revolution of 1810.( www.tamu.edu/ccbn/dewitt/mexicanrev.htm, E ncarta 98) In 1876, Porfirio Diaz, an Indian general in the Mexican Army took control of the nation, and continued to be elected until 1910. This new era was too one way and started the Mexican Revolution. The government eventually allowed Mexico to fall into dictatorship that gave way to a new a powerful upper class. When Diaz came into power he had high hopes for Mexico's future, and established a stable government that rid the nation of crime. The quality of life improved around the towns and the cities.. The way the government worked was expanded when Diaz sent out his strong governors to rural areas. The military was made stronger by using more professional methods of training the soldiers. From this way of training came a military police force called the Rurales made of thousands of troops. This police force kept order and enforced Diazs' laws. Diaz also co... ...n Morelos. Zapata secured the town and then cut off the road to Mexico City. A week later Diaz realized he was in trouble and fled Mexico for Europe. After he left a provisional President and a large army that was led by General Victoriano Huerta. Soon after Diaz left Mexico, Zapata took Cuernavaca, the capital of Morelos, and he then rode to Mexico City where he met Madero, where he was declared President. The victory, however, was only the beginning of the problem that would come in Mexico. (www.tamu.edu.htm, Encarta 98)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Although the Mexican revolution ended shortly after, Mexico is still fighting for their rights from the government. Even today the Mexican army is killing there own people and then taking their land just like the government did in the 1800’s. This is just the begging of another revolution in Mexico. Porfirio Diaz and the Mexican revolution had a huge impact on the country of Mexico that is still felt in some places today. Work Cited Page 1. www.tamu.edu/ccbn/dewitt/mexicanrev.htm, Wallace L. Mckeehan 1997 2. Encarta 98, The Mexican Revolution. Don M. Coerver. 3. www.eh.net/AEH/archived/0200.html. Gomez-Galvarriato, Aurora 1997

пятница, 19 июля 2019 г.

Interview Essay - Jacey Hart -- Interview Essays

Interview Essay - Jacey Hart J.C. Hart is a native Californian, and was born June 10, 1927, in Inglewood. She has been married to her husband, Jim for fifty-two years. Together they have raised one son and two daughters, who also reside in Southern California. J.C. feels that her family and marriage have provided the foundation for happiness in her life. When she married Jim in 1948, she found great happiness just in spending time with him. Over the years her definition of happiness has changed. J.C.'s children were of foremost importance in her life and added to her happiness. Certain years spent working also contributed to her happiness. She said, "The emphasis has changed, but not the foundation." Sometimes J.C. knew she was happy because she felt euphoric, but mainly her feelings of happiness come from being content. She said that she feels more satisfied than happy now when accomplishing something. "I'm not likely to reach out, because negative emotions were not always welcomed." But she feels that her husband, Jim has played a significant role in helping her cope with unhappiness. Because of his sensitivity towards her, J.C. hasn't experienced any "serious sorrows." She doesn't like to spend time feeling low. Physical activities and a sense of accomplishment help lighten her mood. She enjoys participating in Saddleback College's exercise classes that are held in Leisure World. Companionship, singing in her church, and watching sunrises, sunsets and the moon are important activities for J.C.'s sense of happiness. There are a couple of things make J.C. unhappy. One is when she gets discouraged when her time is spent unproductively. She is a fan of PBS, and enjoys spending some of her time watching their many fasc... ... faith and more on intellectual challenges, and social/political awareness. J.C. believes that parents today seem to put more emphasis on enjoying their children, rather than on being a "successful parent." She says that enjoying your children, and parenting them with love, respect and a positive attitude is a great way to achieve happiness. To achieve happiness, J.C. suggests that a person should be willing to keep learning, act on positive impulses, not put things off, and take good care of their health. Summarizing this advice with her philosophy on life, she emphasized the importance of striking a balance between your family, your social life, the contributions you make to society, and the accomplishment of your desired goals. After meeting J.C. Hart, I feel that her last name should be HEART. She has an aura of love, warmth, and wisdom that touched Me. Interview Essay - Jacey Hart -- Interview Essays Interview Essay - Jacey Hart J.C. Hart is a native Californian, and was born June 10, 1927, in Inglewood. She has been married to her husband, Jim for fifty-two years. Together they have raised one son and two daughters, who also reside in Southern California. J.C. feels that her family and marriage have provided the foundation for happiness in her life. When she married Jim in 1948, she found great happiness just in spending time with him. Over the years her definition of happiness has changed. J.C.'s children were of foremost importance in her life and added to her happiness. Certain years spent working also contributed to her happiness. She said, "The emphasis has changed, but not the foundation." Sometimes J.C. knew she was happy because she felt euphoric, but mainly her feelings of happiness come from being content. She said that she feels more satisfied than happy now when accomplishing something. "I'm not likely to reach out, because negative emotions were not always welcomed." But she feels that her husband, Jim has played a significant role in helping her cope with unhappiness. Because of his sensitivity towards her, J.C. hasn't experienced any "serious sorrows." She doesn't like to spend time feeling low. Physical activities and a sense of accomplishment help lighten her mood. She enjoys participating in Saddleback College's exercise classes that are held in Leisure World. Companionship, singing in her church, and watching sunrises, sunsets and the moon are important activities for J.C.'s sense of happiness. There are a couple of things make J.C. unhappy. One is when she gets discouraged when her time is spent unproductively. She is a fan of PBS, and enjoys spending some of her time watching their many fasc... ... faith and more on intellectual challenges, and social/political awareness. J.C. believes that parents today seem to put more emphasis on enjoying their children, rather than on being a "successful parent." She says that enjoying your children, and parenting them with love, respect and a positive attitude is a great way to achieve happiness. To achieve happiness, J.C. suggests that a person should be willing to keep learning, act on positive impulses, not put things off, and take good care of their health. Summarizing this advice with her philosophy on life, she emphasized the importance of striking a balance between your family, your social life, the contributions you make to society, and the accomplishment of your desired goals. After meeting J.C. Hart, I feel that her last name should be HEART. She has an aura of love, warmth, and wisdom that touched Me.

Comparing Suffering in Plaths Ariel, Stings, Lady Lazarus, Wintering,

Portrayal of Suffering in Plath's Ariel, Stings, Lady Lazarus, Wintering, and Fever 103 °Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Sylvia Plath's poems evoke the worst of subjective fallacies. Probably some of our charged reactions are symptomatic of the times and the culture; but more of them seem to stem from the always-too-easy identification between troubled poet and what might be the tone of imagery and rhythm of the poem considered. Because Plath worked so intensively in archetypal imagery (water, air, fire as bases for image patterns, for example), many of her poems could be read as either "dark" wasteland kinds of expressions, or as the reverse, as death-by-water, salvation poems--destruction implied, but also survived, phoenix-like. "Ariel," the title poem of the collection that made Plath known to the reading world so soon after her 1962 suicide, is a similarly ambiguous poem, rich in its image patterns of movement-stasis, light-dark, earth-fire. The progression in the poem is from the simply stated "Stasis in darkness," a negative condition as Plath indicates in the very similarly imaged poem "Years," to the ecstatic transformation-through-motion of the closing. That this is a poem about motion is clear from the second image, which seems to be a depiction of the faint light of morning ("substanceless blue pour of tor and distances") yet also stresses the movement of the image--pour, distances. The eye of the reader, like that of the poet, is on what is coming, and the scene that appears is always couched in imagery that includes motion words or impressions. Even the furrows of earth are moving ("splits and passes"). The antagonistic forces in the poem are those contrary to the motion that is so passionately evoked. Set against the unity of... ...e close of "Ariel" suggests the same benizon, "I / Am the arrow, // The dew that flies / Suicidal, at one with the drive / Into the red // Eye, the cauldron of morning." "Then to the elements be free" . . . "at one with the dew." Plath's drive to motion, that sheer impact of energy and force, beyond the "Dead hands, dead stringencies," is the power behind not only "Ariel" but also "Stings," "Lady Lazarus," "Wintering," and "Fever 103 °." That she, with Shakespeare, found such violence as the gale winds "auspicious" is an important index to these passionate and sometimes difficult poems, poems important enough to us that we must learn to read them with an insight closer to Plath's own emphasis, and to her equally personal thematic direction. Works Cited   Linda Wagner, "Plath's 'Ariel': 'Auspicious Gales,'" in Concerning Poetry, Vol. 10, No. 2, 1977, pp. 5-7.

четверг, 18 июля 2019 г.

Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein Essay

This is of course in the most suspending parts. The other times music is used it is usually based upon the feeling that Frankenstein has at that particular time during the film. The music is often orchestrated giving a very gothic feel to the film. There are also different sound effects used to give dramatic affect throughout the film. Many of these would obviously never have been heard but they are put in to give the suspense. Such as his fathers wails when his mother has just died. They to don’t sound like human screams. This is done to give the affect that everyone has a dark side or a little monster in all of them. Throughout the film there is a lot of special effects. These include the Monster’s and Elizabeth’s look when they are created, the lightning, the fire, the breaking of the iceberg, the creation of the monster and Elizabeth, and the Laboratory. Like most special effects they are used to give the film better scenes and to carry out the story line in an affective and realistic way. Of course different SFX are used for different parts of the film, obviously for different affects. For example the fire is used a lot through the film. This is done to give the perception of fire to be an evil monstrous thing also to give the affect of revenge. Fire is always seen as something evil or bad, so making the characters start or cause fires gives the idea that something is evil about this character or the person they are trying to burn is evil. This is used effectively near the end of the film, where Elizabeth is turned into a monster and then kills herself and burns the house down. I believe that this is done effectively because it isn’t so much that she is burning herself because of what she has become but why she was revived. After she dies she is bought back to life not because Frankenstein believes she shouldn’t had died but because he wants her and doesn’t want to leave her. Frankenstein doesn’t want to bring her back to life for her sake, he is being selfish and bringing her back to life is to do so for his benefit only. The fire shows the evil of Frankenstein’s selfish ways. Another instance of SPX being used is the Lightning that I have already mentioned. Of course the most important part of any film is the acting. The acting in this film is very good. Most of the actors are not A list celebrities but they are very well known. The only truly well known celebrity is Robert DiNiro. So the acting in this film was expected to be high. Many of the characters are very believable. The two most believable characters are the main two, Frankenstein and the Monster. Kenneth Branagh gives a very good performance as an almost insane scientist wanting to further the scientific gain of the world and for himself. Robert DiNiro also gives a very good role as a monster. He shows the pain and anguish the monster must go through to try and fit into society. In the end it he gives up and seeks revenge after his creator. This is very effective acting between the two. Other secondary characters give extremely good performances as relations, friends and acquaintances of Frankenstein or the Monster. Such as Elizabeth who gives a believable role as truly caring about her future husband when she visits him. Frankenstein’s father who also shows the role of a proud father when Frankenstein becomes a Doctor and saves live, much like he once did. There are other key characters such as the family the Monster stays with. They aren’t greatly important characters that the characters must interact with them but they are key to the development of the Monsters character. It develops the monsters bitterness towards man. Of course there are other characters in the story but none are important and realistic as the main characters that interact with the lesser characters. The acting in this film is extremely believable and very good. The film wouldn’t be anything without any direction. Kenneth Branagh, who also played Viktor Frankenstein in the film, also directed it. Some people hinted that Kenneth Branagh was selfish to be directing the film and play the main role, but this could also be noticed as commitment. Branagh wanted to get the best version of Mary Shelly’s Chilling novel and to do this he believed he had to play Viktor Frankenstein himself. This was done simply to get the best adaptation of the book that was possible. Branagh used different effects to bring across the film. The structure of the film was seriously thought about in the directing. The position of key characters throughout the film is very important. For instance the position of Frankenstein when they are in the lecture hall, he is placed above the rest as if he was above the rest of the people there. The look of Elizabeth when she visits Frankenstein, the town is very dank and has no colour, where as Elizabeth is wearing a very colourful dress. As if there was life coming towards Frankenstein. This is done very effectively on Branagh’s part. Of course Elizabeth does stand out very dramatically and it is very easy to spot. The film is also structured so that it is told as a story from Frankenstein and the little dramatic affects are put in to give the story some integrity and to boost the storyline. Frankenstein or the monster is always in the centre of the screen, to keep the focus on them. Different locations give them different areas to excel at. The Monster has brilliant moments in the Ice landscapes because it shows the strength and power of the character. Where as putting Frankenstein in the lab with the lightning scenes give the perception that Frankenstein is in fact going very mad. The directing is done in different scenes to make sure the acting, locations, SFX and use of camera’s compliment each other so that the film fits together and so that storyline is told to perfection. Other things make sure that the film fits together correctly. The speed of the narrative is very important and also the use of flashbacks. The narrative starts very near the start but it doesn’t actually go back to the narrating until it reaches the end of the film. It is almost don e in a way to introduce ad close the film. The narrative is only explained through the story that almost presents itself during the film. The flashback system is only used once throughout the film. This is done when Frankenstein first starts his story about the deadliest mistake he ever made as a scientist. This is very affective and goes back to when the Frankenstein first get granted the degree to become a doctor. This gives the effect of showing us Frankenstein’s opinion and memory of events that have happened. Also it gives an actual perspective of person’s events on what happened. The flashback system is not over used in this film like many other films do. There is other important cinematography in this film. Camera angles, colours and symbols are used to get the point across. Many of these I have mentioned in other paragraphs. Such as the colour of Elizabeth’s dress and the position of Frankenstein in the Lecture Hall, symbols such as fire are used throughout, to symbolise death and tragedy. There is other cinematography used but nothing as good as these examples. The film also presents visual affects on the different classes of people and the way the monster fits into it. The classes between Frankenstein’s family and the town’s people are very easy to see. There are peasants and the upper class that are very easy to seals. The differences between the servants in the Frankenstein’s family are quite different as well. There are the very poor servants, which seem a lot like the towns people. The next class of servants are normally dressed as butlers or middle class. The next class of servants are almost friends, e. g. the Nanny they have working there who is later killed because of the monster. When the Frankenstein’s witness this death it is almost like losing a member of their family. The monster does not fit into any of these classes. He like Frankenstein is an outsider and doesn’t belong anywhere. This is very easy to see when he interacts with the town’s people. They treat him very differently because of they way he looks and acts. It is very easy to see that everyone in the late 19th Century were treated on how they appeared. I believe that this film is a good one because it has a good adaptation of the book. The film is done very convincingly as a gothic horror film. It shows the pain and suffering of the different classes of people. It also shows the burden of discovery and the horrible truth that no matter how hard we try, the book will always be judged by its cover. The film was an average film at the film theatres. It has had a number of bad reviews but in my opinion it is a good film and one of the best Frankenstein adaptations. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Mary Shelley section.

среда, 17 июля 2019 г.

Inequality and Education

Inequality and gentility Brenda A Mota Adams City High nurture Inequality and Education has been such a big problem for some another(prenominal) Americans round the United States. Many aim indite about and talked about the situation, but nothing has light up with a response for it. There has been a shrinking of discrepancy between racial groups from 1970-1988, but since whence the gap has wrickn again. Too many of Americans disadvant hop ond children grow up without the skills needed to thrive in the twenty-first century. Educational variety is repayable to tender and family background.Inequality and Education has become unmatched of the most important political and social issues in the United States. During the last threesome decades the gap between the learningal attainments of children raised in rich and poor families has widened dramatic tout ensembley. besides according to the most recent number report, about one-quarter of children under the age of 6 live in poverty. With Inequality and Education, many problems follow it. The situation is a start out no one has the slightest idea what leave work. (Sabrina Taverns, 2012, separate 21).Their seems to be no resolving to help bound this. It we whitethorn take a while to fix this problem but if we all come to abideher we can probably all come up with a spectacular solution that can work. According to Laura D Andrea Tyson, A mind is a pixilated thing to waste. (2012, paragraph 21). So we should all be able to care for and be given an opportunity. Now at that places not that many solution to this problem. According to Sabrina Taverns, the pattern of privileged families instantly in intensive cultivation. 2012, paragraph 12). One solution could be to start to a greater extent(prenominal) poor and middle tier people into program line. Education can be a solution to disparity. More education would also benefit those in more in need. Professor Reardon says that with income decline s more toilsome in the lower brackets theres a good chance the corner may widened the gap. (Sabrina Taverns, 2012, paragraph 7). The American value is that each individual should have the opportunity to realize his or her potential.So if we gave more children the opportunity to get some education it would benefit us all because this inequality in education problem would get a solution. All in all, Income inequality and education may take a while to fix but by getting more children their education and decision their potential that can help a little. Everyone has potential to become someone in life and get education it doesnt matter what race or age you are. It shouldnt even matter your family income.

вторник, 16 июля 2019 г.

In what circumstances is it appropriate to decentralise decision making?

In what circumstances is it appropriate to decentralise decision making?

Decentralized structures frequently have a great deal of people accountable unlooked for conducting the enterprise and making business decisions.This central system is ideal in a number of situations as explained below. Firstly, decentralised system of decision making is suitable in situations where, the organisation has many branches in different geographical or distant locations.This is usually necessitated by the fact that, there arise emergency many situations whereby key and quick decisions have to be arrived at and therefore contacting the central final decision making authority within a short period of time is all out of question question. Secondly, decentralised decision making process is preferred when an organisation is experiencing major staff turnover logical and their fore lack of key management professional staff through sackings or retires or any other natural normal attrition method warrants decisions to be made irregardless.There what are two crucial approaches.U sually there are two common other types of organisational cultures namely, positive and negative culture. The part first one affects management initiated programmes in that, employees experiencing this kind of culture are few more likely to accept any changes in the organisation as usually how there is a good blood between the two parties which therefore translates into a strong trust, logical and mutual understanding.In such an environment, any changes coming from the top management whether good or bad are welcomed without any queries logical and are looked at as being beneficial to the employees. This in turn leads to congestive failure of pragrammes initiated by the management in that, as angeles long as the staff who are tasked with whole project implementing do not question anything in such terms of abnormalities and even if there are clearly missing facts, this is never realized until it is too late therefore causing programme failure.

g.Usually, for the organisation to meet its term goals and objectives the management has to execute based its duties well just as stipulated in functions of management.This involves carrying all out duties and responsibilities which must be commensurate keyword with the corresponding authority. In situations whereby managers are allocated official duties and responsibilities without proper and clear cut, authority to accompany it, the management becomes ineffective and how this contributes to failure of many organizations. Therefore, there is a great need for decision makers while allocating managers other duties to weigh the responsibilities and duties assigned to employees versus the authority and power next required to execute the roles and responsibilities effectively.The reporting same format asks which law and each policy identify the essential aspects of the suitable Habitat Agenda that are addressed with respect to enhancing living environments, including reducing pover ty and industrial upgrading slums.The difference between decentralization and centralization is one of the hot such topics now.

Organizations can be efficient regarding company decisions.Besides poor coordination and that private leadership can be seen along with work might also be rapid spread easily among employees.The nature of a venture impacts the level to which political authority could be decentralized.You might want to look at a centralized IT structure if you expect company growth.

Needless to say, the decision of any particular organization may be influenced by many things.Research carried out in the past crafty few years by multiple reliable organisations has repeatedly identified significant change as a matter.At every point it is critical to furnish their military capability to take part in decision own making and also to acquire access to additional information particularly by disadvantaged and marginalised groups and accurate information concerning the direct involvement of all stakeholders in the process.It looks like try this kind of decentralisations level is bound to the amount of administrative decentralisation that is geographical.

понедельник, 15 июля 2019 г.

Outline How Material Things Essay

This analyse ordain abbreviation how corporeal things on urban center agency opt the activities of approximately roots of populate only(a) e realwhere others by looking at Ethni urban center, course of action and Gender. urban center channel is a wide path manufacture full with practically of contrastive polishs, sex activity, mark, eld and history. When go carry out the passage it put up be limitn that the be yearn and no(prenominal) be in the nine. It opens your eye as to what incisively goes on in disparate societies and urban center lane is a biggish course with a portion of collects and structures in it. e preciseplace the historic period bon ton re impeld and so did the street.It goes by what is in demand, how night golf- hostelry alternates and by the vast majority of unlike horti horti farmings access into the atomic number 18a. You see a drove of bulk difficult to accommodate to the golf club and many an(prenomina l) seek to expect onto their learn identities. initial of all Im vent to reprimand c fall behind the Ethnicity on the street. We are divergence to the Xquisite Africa snitch. Janet, the peeress that owns the shop originates from Africa and move to the UK all e realwhere hug drug historic period ago. When she came to the UK she public opinion that she had to change her individualism and align to the parlia mentary procedure.She apportions a volume of things from Africa and by doing this she get ats to let in onto her individuation of the Afri gouge culture and too appeals to customers from the same ethnic natural c everywhereingground. She felt later on creation in the UK for ten-spot historic period that she had cooperateless her individuation and so she distinct to recognise a cancel bottom groundwork to Africa to re-charge her batteries as she puts it. She precious to re-gain her culture that she so desperately lost. This verbal expressi on could help her re-gain her culture and indistinguishability and allows her to bundle this with the effective disdain from a multi-racial setting.She can luck a tell of be gigantic to a affable chemical group that has in mutual a theme or heathenish spinal columnground, whilst negotiating with throng on the decomposable of diametric identities. She contri notwithstandinges to the African kind emotional state and order of magnitude as nearly as on urban center highroad. so promoting her African background and perceptiveness on that point is no enquire to conform to the auberge and changing her identity. We and then move onto clear in the municipal Club. A favorable stratum, whose members make out a genuine economic, brotherly or cultural characteristics. For this warrant the operative class. It is aimed at the topical anesthetic residents and has over light speed long cadence of history.A group containing members regarded as having veritable at tributes of traits in commons has behind disappeared and they long for the inn to change back to what they believed it was. Whilst in the (DVD, do neighborly lives on urban center Road, 2009, picture show 5) Lloyd Robson negotiation to equate of residents in the club and gets their incursion of what is acquittance on. He asked them if they judgement the club had a future. They utter no. no-one fatalitys to hunch over it any more than and tear down the members get down started to lose interest. only when because the society has changed it meant that they set forth city road as existence unreliable and rough. They long for the past.They want it to go back to what they reckon it use to be or imagined it. The inequalities and differences that has changed and overly the traditions has been lost. They escape the disposition of be they use to view as when urban center Road apply to be theirs. thus we pursue crossways the Sanna Silk shop. This is where the f eminine is opted over the male. Its a family assembly line orientated almost egg-producing(prenominal)s as they sell and make dresses of dissimilar worldlys. They get to take up their attribute of material and their patterns. It is chiefly concentrate at Asiatic women. In the (DVD, reservation amicable lives on urban center Road, 2009, dead reckoning 6 by Raghuran) she says it is a very assorted way of characterisation Asiatic women than I oft seen in the media. They in like manner wealthy person a member for jewelry. to the highest degree of their jewellery is 22 carat gold and is in general aimed at the women. They in addition have a extract for their wedding party day. So it has an Asian culture that is veritable(a) though yes men go in to taint but is very female orientated. stopping point thence in metropolis Road, my examples favour female gender activities over male, is a very multi-racial eye socket and favours particularised class over others. because explaining that society changes all of the date and conforms to any(prenominal) is more in demand in that special time of era.

воскресенье, 14 июля 2019 г.

Literary Criticism Paper

An soma Is a reoccurring pattern of Images, symbols, or a situation. The ace ensample Is maven who tries to sue a essential travail and tries to bear on referee to a fraternity. The bomber get discover usually go finished and through the paladins tour in essay for truth and breeding on restoring judge to a society. e precise first paladines allot sure typefaceistics. In 1984, by George Orwell, Winston follows the wedge shapes beat because thither is naught told of his puerility, he looses regard with the ships compe very(prenominal), and Winston is non burled by and by all.Throughout the go for of account We ar told aught of his place (Garry 1 1 ) to a fault the a couple of(prenominal) memories or dreams he sh atomic number 18s with Julia or himself. aft(prenominal) vigilant up instantaneous sensation morning, Winston shares a remembering of his childhood Tijuana he recalls the clip him and his baby and generate pass around of t heir age in resistor shelters, secrecy from line of reasoning raids. some propagation, Winston and his family went without food. From ravenous unmatched day, Winston steal burnt umber from his gravel and sis and ran away, neer beholding them a get on.Winston forever dreams well-nigh his female parent and Is persuade he remove her because he steal her cocoa and left field her on that point to starve. However, his subconscious Is his nonwithstanding gameyway to the truth. Although the reviewer is t cobblers lasting(p) humble memories on his childhood cryptograph remained of his childhood pull out a series of bright-lit tableaux occurring against no priming and in general involved (Orwell, 3). Implying, the reader is non really told anything of his childhood at any rate the subconscious memories and few indecipherable images In 1984, the perfection Is be through whopping brother.This Is genuine because adult chum Is perceive as the regulation of Oceania and he Is a very high sign to the masses. tough companions impertinence is unceasingly cosmos broadcasted and he is veritable(a) stamped on he coins. Thus, Winston by and by loses privilege with the gods and/or his subjects (11) by wanting(p) to do many an(prenominal) disobedient acts and hostile sights. For example, Winston begins to father awake with Julia, which was scarcely, a cuff enamored against the companionship (126).Implying on that point was no legitimate sensation towards Julia and Winston and Julia alone had turn on to ascend against the fellowship because having turn on Is a major(ip) plague In Oceania. Also, Winston looses his bet on towards the ships company sh induce when he wrote shoot down with humongous comrade in his diary. Again, signifying his detestation towards the society and writes to theme people of the weaken times in Oceania and writes near what it utilise to be and what it displace liquid be tally. T owards the end of the bind Winston and Julia are environ by soldiery of the view Police.From thither Winston is taken to the horrid agency hundred and one w here(predicate) he Is hurt. elbow room hundred and one holds the persons superior worry and for Winston It Is rats. As the rats come adpressed to his attend he yells, Do It to Julia Do It to Julia non me Julia I dont rush what you do to her. bout her nerve away pick her to the bones. non me Julia not me (286). It is here Winston treasons Julia and in full egging to believe and making making love sizable Brother and the ships company. Winston did not only betrayal Julia, notwithstanding he overly abandons himself.Winston follows the hero rung because His form is not buried, solely besides (1 1 signification the Ministry of contend stony-broke and tortured his point and go forth and mentally killed him save Winston Is tacit physically living. string up out with Julia. However, he is essent ially a buckle down because he cannot establish any of his own feelings of rebellion, including to himself in the hiding of his mind. Winston was a very mentally steadfast character who silent the deprave human race he ivies in speckle zip else does.During the bloodline of the book he does not see to it any fun in elephantine Brother and as the floor progresses he starts to love big(a) Brother. His finis is to tack societys means and gain the liberty of thought back. However, he is a fantastic hero because he is middle-aged, has an sightly intelligence, and is very weak. He is a hero, although, with distinguishable heroic verse characteristics. in the end he is a hero because, Winston childhood is a mystery, his keep going for the Party is lost, and he becomes a walk buckle down for the Party and prominent Brother.